Further Afield
Through my work as an engineer, my wife and I were lucky enough to live in Singapore for 4 years. We took this opportunity to see as much of Asia as we could in the time available. It was a fairly common occurence for me to be sketching outside somewhere and for a crowd to form around me to watch. Occasionally I had to ask the person standing right in front of me to step to the side so that I could still see what I was drawing. I have included a few paintings from our travels in China, Cambodia, Indonesia and Singapore itself.
On our return, my wife's work took her to Switzerland for almost 2 years , which gave us a lot of opportunities to spend weekends up mountains. Looking back, it is surprising that none of the paintings feature cows, since we have more photos of Swiss cows than I am willing to count.
The Turning of the SeasonsAcrylic Image 30 x 40cm (VAC Winter Open) | ThreeAcrylic Image 30 x 40cm (Stockport Open 2019) | Pulau UbinAcrylic Image 30 x 40cm Framed 39 x 49cm |
No Place Like Home - Shangri-laOil on Canvas Image 45 x 60cm | FloresOil on Canvas Image 41 x 51cm |
SoglioAcrylic Image 30 x 40cm Framed 39 x 49cm | ZmuttAcrylic Image 30 x 40cm Framed 39 x 49cm | GruyeresAcrylic Image 40 x 30cm Framed 49 x 39cm |
GiwAcrylic Image 30 x 30cm |